Sunday, April 29, 2012

Funny dog stories

There are few nuttier dogs than the ones we love.  They do such sweet and weird things to amuse us, and actually seem to know when they’ve made us laugh.  Lately our dog Huckleberry has taken to playing “Crazy Dog”.  This consists of grabbing a toy and for no apparent reason, racing from kitchen to bedroom, scooting past us with tail tucked and ears flying, laughing in that gleeful way of his.  Back and forth he’ll go, just to make us laugh.

Copper has a weird game too.  Recently when he had to wear “the cone of shame” after some scrape or other, he discovered it made a great cat catcher.  He’d stalk the cat and place the cone over her, shut his eyes and let her bat at his muzzle in feline frustration.  Eventually he’d let her go and he’d stalk her again.

The all time goofiest though was our friend’s dog Chloe.  She loved to come across the clothes dryer when the door had been left open.  This was the world’s greatest echo chamber, and she’d stick her head in and give a mighty woof.  The first time the family heard this resounding, echoing woof, they came running to see what sort of Hound of the Baskervilles had entered their house.  There was Chloe, head in the dryer, wagging her tail and woofing with gusto.  She’d pull her head out and laugh, then stick it back in to re-impress herself.

What are some funny games your dog likes to play?

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