Monday, December 31, 2012

Baby Shower Memory Games

When my daughter comes over with the new twins, we have to call in the bloodhounds before she departs to make sure she doesn’t forget anything.  She has even taken to circling the block, knowing I will call her back to collect forgotten V.I.S. (very important stuff). 

Moms these days have such great gear and tons of stuff.  There have been a few baby showers to help get daughter launched, and we’ve had a lot of fun cooing over hats with teddy bear ears or ruffles on the bums, lambs that play white noise, or cute bouncers with rabbit ears.

Most of the baby and wedding showers given when my friends and I were having babies consisted of food, presents and games.  People don’t play games much anymore, and now they invite the menfolk and hold baby showers at all sorts of interesting venues.  Breweries, Las Vegas, museums. 

Our showers were vastly more simple.  We had a rollicking good time, easily amused by anything brought out for our entertainment.

One of the games they used to play at showers was a memory game.  You could be pretty sure that Janice or Courtney would be in charge.  One of them would take a large tray around, loaded with assorted items that bore no relation to anything else.  Toothpicks, a belt, a spring, a doggy biscuit.  The more commonplace and forgettable and small they were, the better.  Courtney would teeter around in her high heels and cute little dress, showing us the tray for about 10 seconds.  Then we were issued paper and pens and the goal was to write down as many as you could remember.  There were usually about 30 items on the tray and people averaged about ten things.  The cutthroat competitors would remember 20.  I loved playing that game, trying to invent ways to remember everything.  I grouped them, I said them to myself, or I pictured them in my mind.  Very occasionally won.

Then one time Courtney came out and showed us to tray, but after she disappeared, the hostess started asking us questions, like, “What color were Courtney’s shoes?”  “Was she wearing a belt?”  Did she have earrings on?”


This turned out to be a very good game to play at showers, especially for the new mother.  For when it is time to take the baby anywhere, moms better have a very good memory.  What did I bring?  Where did I lay down the pacifier?  Where did I drop the burp rag?  Did I put something in the refrigerator?  Did the kids come here with shoes and why are they each wearing only one sock? 

I think I better get out a big tray and start practicing, if I’m going to take over their care in March.  Now, where did I put my trays?


  1. LOL for me it's a lost cause...

  2. Baby Shower Games are exceptionally well known these days as welcoming men have some good
    times. A large portion of these gatherings facilitated today don't take after
    the accepted setting of examining the numerous issues of pregnancy, the
    detestations of the work room, and going gaga while opening the presents.
