Friday, January 25, 2013

What TV Show From Your Childhood Would You Love To Live In?

There’s no question in my mind, it would be with Roy Rogers and Dale Evans.  Didn’t they ride around catching the bad guys and solve all problems?  Wasn’t Trigger gorgeous?  Didn’t Bullet have more brains than most men?

I did wonder, though, why Dale’s horse Buttermilk was so ordinary when Roy’s horse Trigger was magnificent.  What would mine look like?  Would I get a cool saddle like that?  I sure would not want to be relegated to the role for girls popular at the time, though.

I am pretty sure I could help the Lone Ranger and Tonto, and I hope that the Lone Ranger wouldn’t mind if I rode Silver.

Or like to say what Sgt. Preston of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said to his husky each week, “Thanks to you, King, this case is closed.”

Fury was a great black horse, and Zorro had a very nice steed too. 

Are we seeing a trend here?  I wonder if all the little girls were ga-ga over horses.  How could you not be, when seeing that thrilling opening of The Lone Ranger. Ta da dump, ta da dump, ta da dump, dump, dump!

When my nephew was little, my brother took him to a children’s concert.  The conductor told the children in the audience that very few of them would recognize the next piece they were going to play, but every single one of their parents would.  Then they played the William Tell overture.  At the end, my brother, a normally quiet man, boomed out in his super low bass, “Hi-ho, Silver, away!”  The audience went wild, cheering and clapping.  Apologies to the orchestra, but how can you sit still when that is played?

What TV show would you like to live in?

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