Saturday, October 22, 2011

Elder Care Class

I took a class today, the first of two, to help Caretakers.  The class was touted to help with finding and using resources.  I eagerly picked up the folders, signed in, got a cup of coffee and sat down with pen in hand.  Then for three hours, all the teacher said that there were many resources out there, and that caretakers should find them and make use of them to take time for ourselves.  Right.  I've looked online, I've found many resources too.  You call each one and the person who can answer your questions is gone for the day.  They want a fortune to come elder-sit while we are at a wedding Hans is in.  No, I'm not looking for someone to throw scads of money to so I can just run out and have a day off.

It was such a frustrating class I had to excuse myself and gain composure.

Once I got home, I checked out the Veterans Admin to see if they offered any long term care benefits, as Dad was a vet.  Nope.  Does Medicare pay for any  long term care benefits?  Nope.  Does Tri-Care for Life (the military health care system) pay for any  long term care benefits?  Nope.  COPE and Medicaid will pay if one is really needy.  Mom had some long term care insurance but that got used up.

 One can only hope that the need for a nursing home never arises.  Meanwhile, I am very grateful for the loving care given to Mom by Hans' sister and her husband for part of the year.  But you can be sure I'd recommend long term care insurance for my generation.  The odds that we will need a caregiver ourselves is very high indeed.  Rosalyn Carter said:
There are four kinds of people in the world:
Those who have been caregivers,
Those who are currently caregivers,
Those who will be caregivers;
Those who will need caregivers.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad we has long term care when Mark had nursing home care for 6 months, but don't think it would have covered someone coming to the house for a short time. That is a real problem.
