Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Morning and Evening Light

On Seattle's best fall day of the season, the Fort staff were cooped up in the Great Room without even a door or window to look out of.  We sat on brutally hard chairs for hours.  Sounds like torture?  The time flew by.  We were brainstorming ideas to propel the fort forward into the next decade.  Cool ideas, cool people, and platters and bowls full of goodies.

The fort has started out with promise.  I took these photos in the misty morning yesterday.

Around the back of the granary, the sun just kissed open the eyes of the windows.

Slowly, the light appears through the trees.  Very similar to how confusing the ideas are as we brainstormed and threw out wild notions, pipe dreams, crazy schemes, and perhaps some viable options that might be implemented.

Later, after planting some seeds of thought, we hope the ideas blossom.

A glorious progression for our fort, welcoming the coming years, moving us forward.  We hope to intermingle our appeal, that is to say, keep the same visitors while attracting new ones.

In the end, we hope some bright ideas will cause us to tower above our challenges.  New activities, new volunteers, new outreach.  As Mike McGuire's dad said, the business plan is: "Early to be, early to rise, work like hell and advertise."


  1. Seeing all this makes me realize how EASY our lives are now, and how we take for granted how blessed we all are with our gizmos and doodads that we simply can't live without.

  2. LIke it! Especially that last quote! Advertise - boy, don't writers hate to do that, though. And museums! I used to stinge on the media and write articles for the paper, rather than put ads in.

  3. Is this Fort Nisqually? I LOVED going there as a kid!
